The Isle of Man offers education support for all ages from young children to those studying to progress in their careers
Manx is taught in all local schools, allowing childrend to enjoy the benefits of a bi-lingual education and great insight to Manx culture and music.
Get your tickets now for Marown Youth & Community Players' Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs.
Religion has long played an influential role in the life of the Isle of Man
Celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight at Dalby
Visit Ramsey for the Annual Shennaghys Jiu Festival.
The Isle of Man is the perfect place to bring up your family
21 year old Manx singer and harpist Erika Kelly's eagerly-anticipated debut EP "Talking This Over" is now available.
An introduction to the Manx language, with tips on pronunciation, grammar and tense. Learn to greet people, count to ten and much more.
Everything "Manx". Learn more about who we are, our language, national symbols and more etc.